A German Shepherd’s ears are typically erect and pointy, but there can be some variation in shape and size. The most important thing to remember is that your dog’s ears should be clean and free of any discharge or wax buildup. You can use a cotton ball soaked in warm water to gently clean your dog’s ears.

If you have a German Shepherd, then you know that their ears are one of their most distinctive features. But did you know that there is a specific German Shepherd ear chart? This chart can help you determine the ideal shape and size for your dog’s ears.

There are three main types of German Shepherd ears: small, medium, and large. Each type has its own specific characteristics. For example, small German Shepherd ears are typically pointy and erect.

Medium-sized German Shepherd ears are usually more rounded, while large ones are often droopy.The German Shepherd ear chart can help you decide which type of ear is right for your dog. If you’re not sure which type to choose, ask your vet or breeder for guidance.

Ultimately, the decision is up to you! Whichever type of ear you choose, your dog will be sure to stand out from the crowd.

German Shepherd Ear down

If you’ve ever seen a German Shepherd, you know that their ears are erect and pointy. But did you know that there is such a thing as a German Shepherd with their ears down? While this may seem like a oddity, it’s actually not all that uncommon.

In fact, there are several reasons why a German Shepherd might have their ears down.The most common reason is due to heredity. If both of the dog’s parents had floppy ears, then there’s a good chance the puppy will too.

It’s simply genetics at work! Another possibility is that the dog has an ear infection. This can cause the cartilage in the ear to soften, leading to droopy ears.

Lastly, sometimes German Shepherds will have their ears down if they were cropped (a procedure where part of the ear is removed). This is generally done for show dogs or working dogs who need to have their hearing unimpeded. However, cropping is controversial and many people believe it to be cruel, so it’s not something we recommend.

So there you have it! Now you know all about German Shepherds with floppy ears.

German Shepherd Puppy Ears Stages

If you’re thinking about getting a German Shepherd, or if you already have one, you might be wondering about their ears. When do German Shepherd puppies’ ears stand up?It’s actually pretty common for German Shepherd puppies to have floppy ears.

This is because their ear cartilage is still soft and needs time to harden. In most cases, German Shepherd puppies’ ears will start to stand up between 3 and 6 months of age. However, some may take a bit longer – up to 9 months or even a year in rare cases.

If your German Shepherd puppy’s ears aren’t standing up by the time they’re 12 months old, there’s no need to worry. Theirears will eventually stand up on their own – it just takes some dogs longer than others.

German Shepherd Floppy Ears 9 Months

If you have a German Shepherd, you may have noticed that their ears can be quite floppy. This is perfectly normal and nothing to worry about! In fact, many German Shepherds have floppy ears when they are born.

However, by the time they are 9 months old, their ears should start to stand up on their own. If your German Shepherd’s ears are still flopping around at 9 months old, don’t fret – this is completely normal and they will likely fix themselves over time. Just make sure to keep an eye on them and clean their earflaps regularly to prevent any infection.

German Shepherd Ears down Meaning

German Shepherds are one of the most popular dog breeds, and their characteristic ears are often a key feature that people notice. But what does it mean when a German Shepherd’s ears are down?There can be a few different reasons why a German Shepherd’s ears might be down.

It could be a sign that they’re relaxed and comfortable, or it could indicate that they’re sad or anxious. If you notice your German Shepherd’s ears drooping, it’s important to pay attention to their body language and overall demeanor to see if there might be cause for concern.In general, though, seeing your German Shepherd with their ears down isn’t necessarily something to worry about.

Just enjoy spending time with your furry friend and keep an eye out for other signs that might give you some insight into how they’re feeling.

German Shepherd Ears down at 4 Months

If your German Shepherd’s ears are down at 4 months, there’s no need to worry. This is perfectly normal and they will eventually stand up on their own.There are a few things that you can do to help encourage your pup’s ears to stand up, however.

First, try lightly massaging the base of their ears each day. You can also try gently pushing up on the base of their ear while they’re lying down.If you continue to see no progress after a few weeks, it’s possible that your dog’s ears may require surgery to correct the problem.

However, this is typically only necessary in extreme cases.Overall, don’t stress too much about your German Shepherd’s floppy ears – they’ll eventually stand up on their own!

What Do German Shepherds Ear Positions Mean?

There are a variety of different ear positions that German Shepherds can have, and each one can mean something different. Here is a breakdown of some of the most common ear positions and what they might mean:Pricked ears: This is the most common ear position for German Shepherds, and it generally indicates that they are alert and paying attention to their surroundings.

Half-pricked ears: Half-pricked ears usually indicate that the dog is relaxed but still paying attention to its surroundings.Droopy ears: Droopy ears often indicate that the dog is tired or not feeling well. However, it can also sometimes be a sign of sadness or depression.

If you notice your dog’s ears drooping more than usual, it’s always best to consult with your veterinarian to rule out any potential health concerns.One ear up, one ear down: When German Shepherds have one ear up and one ear down, it usually means they are friendly and approachable. This is often seen as a submissive gesture by other dogs.

Ears back: Ears back can indicate a few different things depending on the context. If the dog’s body is relaxed and its tail is wagging, then it’s likely happy and just enjoying being petted or scratched behind the ears. However, if the dog’s body is tense and its tail is not wagging, then this may be a sign of aggression or fearfulness.

At What Age Do German Shepherds Ears Stand Up?

As a general rule, German Shepherds ears will stand up by the time they are 8-10 weeks old. However, there can be some variation in this, and some German Shepherds may have their ears standing up earlier or later than this. In most cases, however, you can expect your German Shepherd’s ears to be standing up by around two months of age.

Do All German Shepherds Ears Perk Up?

The vast majority of German Shepherds will have ears that perk up, although there are some exceptions to this rule. In general, the ears should be pointing straight up when the dog is alert and paying attention. If the ears are drooping or hanging down, it may be a sign that the dog is tired or not feeling well.

There are also some German Shepherds with naturally floppy ears, although this is relatively rare.

Do German Shepherds Ears Always Stand Up?

While German Shepherds are born with floppy ears, they will usually stand up on their own by the time the pup is about 3-4 months old. However, there are some German Shepherds whose ears never stand up completely. If you’re not sure if your German Shepherd’s ears are going to stand up, consult your veterinarian for advice.

German Shepherd Ears update with GSM


German Shepherds are one of the most popular dog breeds in America. And, their unique ears are part of what makes them so special. If you’re thinking about getting a German Shepherd, or if you already have one, it’s important to know how to properly care for those lovable ears.

Here’s a quick guide to German Shepherd ear care:1. Check your dog’s ears regularly for dirt, debris, or any signs of irritation.2. Clean your dog’s ears as needed with a mild cleanser and cotton balls.

3. Be careful not to insert anything into the ear canal itself – only clean the outer ear area.4. If you notice any redness, swelling, discharge, or other concerning symptoms, take your dog to the vet right away.

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